Library and Archives Canada
Home > Aboriginal Heritage > Project Naming
Photograph Reference Number: (the reference number is found at the bottom of the caption below the photograph and also in the source link, which provides a descriptive record of the image; here are examples of reference numbers: PA-123456, C-012345 or e002213323)
Can you name the person(s) in the photograph?
If the photograph contains more than one person, please name the person(s) that you can, and indicate where each one is positioned in the image (left, right, or centre, top or bottom row, etc.). For example, Mary Ekalukpiak (bottom, left) and Edith Eglialak (top, right).
Do you know where the photograph was taken?
Do you know the approximate date of the photograph?
Can you describe what is happening in the photograph?
Please provide YOUR name:*
Email address:*
If the above information was provided by somebody else, please provide his or her name, community, and the date this information was obtained:*
*(please note that this information will be kept confidential)
Thank you for your interest and for taking the time to help with Project Naming.